Terms of Service

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

It is your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase, use or access of any of our services, including e-mail and SMS/text message communications. Before using this website, please read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please be aware that agreeing to these terms by using the services holds the same weight as a written and signed contract. You agree that you will not challenge the enforceability of these terms based on the fact that they are electronic.

General Provisions

This website is owned and operated by Sensible Nutrition LLC, a Missouri company. Our principal place of business is located at 117 South Lexington Street, Ste 100, Harrisonville, Missouri USA.

You must be at least eighteen years of age to use our website. Use of this website is at your own risk. We host our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, we make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety or your individual use of the website. The Terms and Conditions contained on this page are subject to change at any time. The date of the most recent revision will be posted at the top of the page.

Product Purchaser Agreement

All programs and services are owned and provided by Sensible Nutrition, LLC (“Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”). The term “You” or “Your” refers to any user or purchaser of said programs and/or services. These Terms and Conditions govern and define how you are allowed to use and access the Company’s programs and services. We reserve the right to update and change these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time.

You are legally bound to these Terms and Conditions of Use whether or not you have read them. If You do not agree with any of our Terms and Conditions of Use, please email us at [email protected] and all reasonable efforts will be made to remove your name, email, and access to our programs and services and website.

Your Product or Course Use and Consent

By purchasing a program and/or service, you implicitly agree and continue to agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions of Use as well as any disclaimers and privacy disclosures contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

You agree that You are at least 18 years old and acknowledge that access to programs and/or services and related materials by a minor without the consent of a parent or guardian is a violation of use, and we reserve the right to terminate your access if such an issue is discovered. Consent will be obtained and verified upon purchase of a program or service.

You may:

  • Access the program or service for Your personal use
  • Download and/or print any program or service materials for your personal use (if additional members of Your family need to download and/or print any materials from the program or service, You must purchase additional programs or services at one per each family member)
  • Use our trademarks and copyrighted materials with Our consent and proper credit and marking, namely, citing Sensible Nutrition, LLC as the source of the materials and marking any federally registered trademarks with ® or common law trademarks with ™

You may not:

  • Re-sell or trade Your access to the program or service
  • Share the program or service with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted in to receive it
  • Reprint or republish any of the program or service, in part or in whole
  • Distribute any of the materials contained in the program or service or related materials and/or communications as your own, otherwise known as stealing
  • Reproduce and tweak any part or whole of the program or service for distribution as your own work
  • Claim ownership or use over any of Our intellectual property without Our prior consent, which includes (but is not limited to): copyrights such as program materials, worksheets, workbooks, lessons, videos and more; trademarks such as names, logos, taglines or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look and feel of the programs and services (and the related communications and materials)
  • Use our program or service or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s)

Request for Permission to Use Content

If you wish to use, publish or access any of our content, programs or services or related materials, You must do so by requesting permission prior to commencing use of the same by email Us at [email protected].

Your Materials and Contributions

By submitting a comment, photo, video or other material(s) onto any website or platform owned or maintained by Us, including but not limited to third party access sites, such as online software platforms that we use to distribute Our programs and services and related materials, You agree that we have a non-revocable, commercial license to re-publish Your submission in whole or in part unless you explicitly state that We may not do so with said submission. You have no right to privacy by accessing Our programs or services or related materials, and We reserve the right to disclose your participation in the same.

Model Release

You must own the copyright to any image(s) You use by default or voluntarily on our platforms or in our programs or services or related materials. You grant Us a commercial license to any image(s) You submit to Us by default, such as a profile image You voluntarily provide in accessing the program or service, or voluntarily upon Our request. Such a default or voluntary release of Your image and likeness may be used for any reasonable future business use.

Notification of Use

We are not obligated to notify You or anyone in photographs of Our publication or other use of any image or images You submit by default or voluntarily.

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